For some reasons, web controls are rather ugly in Firefox when it runs under Linux. (as a reminder, I am talking about running Firefox under Ubuntu Linux and Gnome)
It is particularly the case with radio buttons. Here are comparison screenshots of what it looks like and what it will look after you follow and implement the following instructions:Fortunately, I found a solution in to fix this problem.
First close Firefox if it is running. Then open terminal and run this commands, one by one.
tar -xvzf firefox-form-widgets.tar.gz
sudo cp /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/res/forms.css /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/res/forms.css.bak
cat firefox-form-widgets/res/forms-extra.css | sudo tee --append /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/res/forms.css > /dev/null
sudo cp -r firefox-form-widgets/res/form-widgets /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/res
rm -rf firefox-form-widgets
Now start Firefox again and start enjoying nice looking controls. Life is beautiful once more!
May 24, 2007
Firefox controls are ugly!
12:32 PM
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Thanks. I've been wondering about this for a while.
Ah. I always thought firefox looked funny in Linux, but I could never really pinpoint why it looked so bad. Thanks for the info.
Inserting a Window's cd and rebooting will solve all of your font issues.
Why are you tee'ing to /dev/null ?
An even easier method can be found here:
it looks the same on mac and windows as well.
"OS independence for you: the same ugliness on every platform!"
>> Inserting a Window's cd and rebooting will solve all of your font issues.
What font issue?
i don't really think the default is ugly. perhaps this is why it's such that you think it's ugly :p
(sudo tee is appending to a file which is only writable by root. shell redirection wouldn't work since it wouldn't be running as root)
I'd like to inform y'all that this works for OSX as well!
tar -xvzf firefox-form-widgets.tar.gz
cp /Applications/ /Applications/
cat firefox-form-widgets/res/forms-extra.css | tee -a /Applications/ > /dev/null
cp -r firefox-form-widgets/res/form-widgets /Applications/
rm -rf firefox-form-widgets
And you're done! :)
Mine never looked that way. I wonder why. I went from Edgy Eft to Feisty Fawn... what are you running? Just wondering. Seems interesting this wouldn't effect everyone.
BAH! You said Feisty right there. I can't believe how blind I am.
Anybody know how I can UNDO that?
It has some side effects in gmail that I really don't like.
My gmail works perfectly fine. Are you sure those side effects are because of this?
Its because its firefox. Use Opera.
Thanks, it works great !
thx for the tip!
Cool~but,my debian....bad luck
To the first anon - Like crap you don't have to do any work to fix windows fonts, i spend plenty of time making my titles and menu buttons to look purdy. To get everything purdy (and i still can't go as much as easily as linux), i have to download cleartype and tweakui. Go to Control Panel>Display Properties>Appearance>Advanced, change the font type, sizes, and colours. Cleartype fixes up fonts especially on stretched LCD screens. I go to tweak ui to change the colour indicators of some text (i like my stuff really customized. Blue = encrypted? Pass!) And in my bloodlust for prettyness, it is still not enough. So yeah, bullcrap windows fixes everything. Besides, the ultimate "It's OK when you install it" system is mac OSX, not windows. They simplify install, spend less time getting everything fixed up, spend less time (i know it's not all because of OSX) fighting viruses. But that's not for me, i build my own system, build my own OS, build my own EVERYTHING, and macs don't handle that well.
A few more things. This isn't a font issue, my firefox (for windows) has the same issue, and if i want to be nitpicky i can point out you have to spend time installing firefox, unlike with most linux distros.
couldn't this be changed in a local user's ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiledir/chrome/uerChrome.css file? Also for reference, the CSS also works in seamonkey (not surprisingly)
that would be userChrome.css
that's weird. I thought firefox was ugly in general.
In KDE Firefox looks a tad better. The form submit buttons are a bit rounded and the shadow on the radio and check boxes is more pronounced.
works great with gentoo as well! thanks
Windows Cleartype just looks like garbage, anyone who thinks it looks good is either naive or needs a trip to the optician.
Linux has lovely type when set up correctly, however nothing comes close to how beautifully OSX can render text, 100pt Helvetica has never looked so good on a computer
Just use Windows...end troubles (except for BSOD)
Firefox widgets look the same in Linux as they do in Windows if you have disabled the visual effects in Windows. This is something I do straight away with Windows to gain back some wasted resources so I really hadn't noticed any difference.
Might be worth using these new css files in Windows too with the visual effects switched off. Off to try it now.
That looks much better, thanks!
imo original is better
Still ugly....
cat firefox-form-widgets/res/forms-extra.css | sudo tee --append /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/res/forms.css > /dev/null
sudo cat firefox-form-widgets/res/forms-extra.css >> /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/res/forms.css
Much cleaner, and less waste. (Seriously, WHY are you tee'ing?)
"sudo cat firefox-form-widgets/res/forms-extra.css >> /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/res/forms.css"
Won't work. The shell will then redirect output from the sudo command and cat will fail.
su -
cat blah >> blah
sudo bash
cat blah >> blah
sudo "cat blah >> blah"
"hey, i'm a doob newb, quick, spare me some IQ points!"
I have Debian and Iceweasel so i've changed your script a few. Here we go!
# Run this script as root
tar -xvzf firefox-form-widgets.tar.gz
cp /usr/share/iceweasel/res/forms.css /usr/share/iceweasel/res/forms.css.bak
cat firefox-form-widgets/res/forms-extra.css | tee --append /usr/share/iceweasel/res/forms.css > /dev/null
cp -r firefox-form-widgets/res/form-widgets /usr/share/iceweasel/res
rm -rf firefox-form-widgets
thx for the post, always thought the forms are horribly designed ;)
Changed it in flock and it worked just fine.
Cool! It's look goods on my Ubuntu 7.04 laptop now :)
I'm not sure I like these. How can I remove them?
I realise that I'm late but I'll still post this: To remove it, go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager. Find the Firefox package (just start typing firefox). Right click it and choose "Mark for Reinstallation". Click apply (top button, third from left). Then start firefox again. That *should* remove them (did for me at least).
Thanks. It works good.
Probably worth noting that Firefox 3 will use the GTK theme for form controls.
To the anonymous that posted removal instructions... THANK YOU!!! That certainly helped ALOT! This plugin sucked.
thank you it is working fine on centos 5 :)
I was looking all over the web for this :D
God ... like i'm crying in happiness, i hate those default radio buttons so much
Thank you that was very useful. Worked well on Gusty Gibbon.
Super super super tip!!! I've hated the ugly Firefox buttons for sooooo long.
(For Suse (10.2): replace "mozilla-firefox" with "firefox" in all the paths)
to make all that without root priv's and in you FF profile do the following:
locate your FF profile and in there:
cd chrome
tar -xvzf ~/firefox-form-widgets.tar.gz
(I've downloaded archive to my home dir)'
cp -r firefox-form-widgets/res/form-widgets ./
cat firefox-form-widgets/res/forms-extra.css >> userContent.css
rm -rf firefox-form-widgets
and that's all, you have your niced widget's in FF and you do not need to do that again and again on each reinstall of FF.
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